Placerville, Idaho  
This page is for the display of Nathan and Kim's adventures in Placerville  


Nathan and Kim purchased a property on Grove Street in Placerville, Idaho the summer of 2010. There was already an old house on the property that was over 100 years old. The old place wast was unfit to reside in and they decided to build a modest cabin on the property. Many people helped build the new cabin but far most noteable are Kim's parents, Linda and Willis, who spent the summers of 2011, and 2012 in placerville with Kim and Nathan to build the cabin pictured in the photos on this page.

The new cabin from the front

The cabin from the back

The interior of the new cabin at Grove street

The crossroads in the center of Placerville, two blocks from the Grove street

The house at Grove street

The old house in the state of partial demolition and partial restoration

The restoration of the old tool shed that was attached to the Ice House

A wider shot of the restored tool shed

The new out house pictured here infront of the back of the old house

The corner of Grove (on the left) and Ellis (on the right)






produced by nathan snyder


    The old Placerville Page.