Arriflex 2C, Arriflex 2B, Arriflex II
This 35mm MOS camera is probably the most widely used camera in the world. Many feature films have been shot in their entirety with this camera by means of a sound proofing blimp. But the camera has most widely been used as a b-roll camera where sound is not as important as maneuverability and flexibility. Some of these old cameras (produced in the 50s and 60s) are still in use today in commercial work. And the camera that have replaced are the updated Arriflex cameras like the Arri3 and the 435.

The most common Arriflex2 cameras are the ArriIIC and the ArriIIB. These two cameras have the same lens mounts, magazines and motors. The largest operating difference between the two cameras is in the viewfinder doors. The 2C door will fit on a 2B (though it has to be taped up to be light tight) but a 2B door will not fit on a 2C. Also, the ArriB has a permanent ground glass (or at least not operator changeable) and the 2C has an operator changeable ground glass. The glass is changed by removing the lens and pulling the glass out by it little handle. The glass is held in place by pressure clips and is secured by a small screw and tab.
Pictured above and left is an Arri2C that has an 80fps tach and a film gate with pressure plate adjustment for high speeds up to 80fps. The camera has a full aperture gate ready for shooting in any format including anamorphic.

The following in italics is a description that Chuck Colburn gives of setting the pressure plate to run for high speed movement:
"How we use to do it was to remove the gate, make sure it was clean ( used "Never Dull" cotton polish wadding to polish the aperture and pressure plate) then put a little "Nose Grease" on each. Take about three feet of fresh film and put the gate on one end and hold it vertically give it a little shake and the gate should slide down the film on it's own weight about a foot to a foot and a half. You can use the wadding to polish the German silver film trough that runs along the bottom of the inside of the camera too. If this "precision" test works out you should be fine for HS running... ...This was taught to me by Jimmy Beaumonte who was a camera tech, machienist and person extrodinar. He was the man who took a VistaVision movement and adapted it to run with Arri 35mm magazines which resulted in the camera George Lucas used for all the opticals in Star Wars. We called it the Empireflex!"
The camera has been modified with a hard front BNCR lens mount. The camera is shown with an Angenieux 25-250mm zoom lens and F&B Ceco long lens support. Though not visible in the photo the camera has a technovision viewfinder door. The viewfinder is similar to a mitchell viewfinder found on a BNC or a R35 with viewfinder zoom and two switch-able filters for contrast viewing. Pictured below is the same camera showing the Technovision door. Here the camera has a Lomo 80mm anamorphic lens with a BNCR mount.
Pictured below is an Arri2B with original three lens turret, compendium (sunshade, filter holder). The camera has been modified with a pilotone out (the 3pin XLR plug on the right above the hand grip) and is shown here with a custom view finder extension.